Woodhaven Trading Firm


Storage Boxes For Trading Cards and Comic books

Woodhaven Trading Firm is a manufacturer of card storage boxes and comic book boxes. We offer direct to consumer and wholesale white corrugated cardboard storage boxes to safely hold your hobby supplies. Our card storage boxes and comic book boxes are made from high-quality materials and are designed to protect your valuable collections for many years to come. At Woodhaven Trading Firm, we strive to constantly have the highest quality competitively priced cardboard storage, and we offer free shipping on all orders, no matter the amount you spend. We have a variety of sizes and options, so whether you’re a sports cards collector, into trading cards collecting, love collectible gaming cards, or you have a massive collection of comics, you can find the perfect collectible storage solutions fit for your needs.

Card Storage Boxes & comic book boxes

200 Card Storage Boxes

300 Card Storage Boxes

400 Card Storage Boxes

800 Card Storage Boxes

1600 Card Storage Boxes

3200 Card Storage Boxes

Comic Book Boxes

Manufacturer of Storage Boxes | Woodhaven Trading Firm


what people say


John Sturgill
January 2022
"This is an excellent product. It has good durability and quality that will last for a long time. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has trading card collections."
Rolán Lozano
December 2021
"Thesee cardboard trading card boxes features an easy-to-open top flap. For the price this is a sturdy quality product. Seems like they would hold up a while but only time will tell."
Daniel Huckaby
January 2022
"Your comic box is a budget-friendly option. It comes with free shipping and great customer service so that you can be sure of getting your order as soon as possible!"
Ronald Cotton
February 2022
"This trading card box is an excellent way to keep your valuable collection safe and organized. The sturdy design is made to last, and the box conveniently fits on my bookshelf"
Glynda Linthicum
October 2021
"I LOVE the name!! I happened to come across one of their items on Amazon, and it caught my attention. At first, I just bought this because of the WTF name because of an inside joke in my family, but I actually found great use for storing small items in this sturdy box!
Forrest Briese
January 2022
"I am so happy I found these cardboard box solutions. My items shipped free and arrived quickly. Another site didn't tell me about the $20 in shipping until I went to submit the order! The box is really well-made and holds a lot of cards. I'm definitely going to order another set for my son's collection"

10% OFF ORDERS OF $100+. CODE: 10OFF100
20% OFF ORDERS OF $200+. CODE: 20OFF200